
free no deposit bonus code-专业龙门架制造商

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主营:龙门架   电动葫芦   悬臂吊
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上海free no deposit bonus code设计制造的移动式龙门架(吊)系列产品具有结构简单,安全可靠,操作方便,转动灵活,作业空间大,投资成本低,适用于设备的安装调试、磨具的装卸与维修、仓库货物的装卸车等吊运场合。比其他常规性吊运设备更显示其优越性。
Summary:Shanghai Shuangdiao Hoisting Machinery Co., Ltd. designs and manufactures of mobile gantry series products with simple structure, safe and reliable performance, convenient operation, flexible rotation, large working space, low investment costs and are applicable to equipment installation and debugging, mold handling and maintenance, warehouse goods loading and unloading and other lifting occasions. The products are superior than other conventional lifting and transport equipment. Each type portal crane can be made to disassembled type, after disassembled can be bundled. It is more convenient to transport.

Performance excellences: The gantry has a full range of mobility, easy to installation and disassembly, covering a small area, reasonable steel structure design . If the height of the plant is limited, the low headroom electric hoist is available for easily low altitude operation.

Suitable occasions: flat ground, warehouse, logistics center, production workshop, testing room, clean room, etc.

SD2型绞盘升降龙门架 是在SD-1型基础上改进而成。其立柱采用粗细两种方形钢管,外层方管与底座连接,内层钢管与工字钢横梁连接。按客户要求打孔数个,需上调高度时,通过手摇绞盘使内层方管上升至需要高度。用螺钉穿在孔里,螺丝紧固即可。这种龙门架可在不同高度的车间里使用。此款龙门架高度可分级调节,定位精准、手摇轻便,钢架构设计合理,能承受从300~5000KG的重量。升降龙门架升降方式还可采用涡轮式及压杆式,供客户选择。
SD2 Hand Winch Height Adjustable Gantry Crane
Structure features: This type of gantry crane is improved based on SD1 type Gantry Crane. It adopts two layers of square steel tubes, including thick tube and thin tube. The thin one is inside the thick one. The outer tube is connected with the base, and the inner tube is connected with I-steed beam. There are holes on the double layers tubes. You can use the hand winches to increase the height. And then fix with a screw in the hole when you stop. This kind gantry crane is available in different height of workshops. The gantry is with grade adjustable height (The maximum adjustable height is 3 meters), precise positioning, easy to operate, reasonable steel structure design , bearing from 1000 to 3000kg weight. There are other types of height adjustment, Worm Wheel Lifting Gantry Crane and Pressure Bar Lifting Gantry Crane.

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